Communications and Social Media policy

The use of Computer-related information systems in the public domain

Nothing shall be included on the website which in the opinion of the Management of the West Lancashire Football League brings the Competition into disrepute.

All Clubs will be responsible for their official website or similar computer related information systems, which is within the public domain.

Clarification: computer related information systems mean Club Website, X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat but also club forums, chatrooms etc.

Please note that any person connected with a Club, Committee Member, Team Management, Player etc who make any comments which in the opinion of the West Lancashire Management Committee brings the Competition into disrepute may be charged accordingly.

Any such comment directed at match officials and or opposing players or clubs will be reported to the relevant County FA.

The avenue for complaints is via the Club Secretary to the League Secretary.

While social media provides excellent tools for helping your club engage with members, supporters and the wider public, it can also present a few risks such as:

* Cyber bullying, through posts which are upsetting to people and often inaccurate.
* Causing offence to individuals or other clubs and related organisations.
* Exposure to inappropriate content, or nasty comments and pictures.

Signed on behalf of the League Management Committee by
Gen Secretary H.J Brown.

Dated 1st June 2024

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